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?Why Weight loss diets fail

Monday, August 8, 2011 , Posted by Msry 7or at 10:36 AM

It is a fact that most weight loss diets fail. This is because there is no easy and miracle way to lose weight fast and healthy. In order to lose weight you need to be patient and follow a diet that is custom to your needs and special characteristics. This article outlines the 10 best reasons of why weight loss diets fail and also provides you with weight loss tips on how to follow a diet successfully.

Why weight loss diets fail? 10 reasons why you should not follow a weight loss diet

No diet has long-term weight loss results. Even with a long-term plan, we may lose weight, which then retake the same-or more. Studies have shown that people who follow weight loss diets regularly are more likely to become overweight than those who eat normally

The diet can cause serious and sometimes fatal problems to our health. Deaths due to cardiac arrhythmia or other problems associated with weight loss diets are recorded every year in the United States. Studies even show that the phenomenon of weight-gain and weight loss is associated with high fatality rates

The diet «cuts» the physiological functions of the body. The sudden loss of weight puts our organism in defence, which reduces the metabolism, the pulses of the heart, body temperature and libido, affecting therefore negatively, the mental, emotional and social activities.
4. Those who do follow weight loss diets often feel weak and tired, suffering from dizziness and experience concentration difficulties. These symptoms may be due to lack of significant elements such as iron, protein and, of course, the calories

Since the weight loss diets interfere with normal eating habits, they often lead to undesirable effects such as hyperphagia, bulimia or anorexia. Those who are on a diet they ignore the normal signals of hunger and satiety, and as a result their organism is lead to the habit of eating much more or much less than normal. All eating disorders are mainly due to chronic diets, and due to psychological factors created by them

The excessive preoccupation with our weight, both with ourselves and with others, leads us into the trap of giving greater importance to appearance than in the character of people. Remember that old saying that says “Do not judge a book by its cover

As though it may seem paradoxical, the weight loss diet leads to preoccupation with food. It has been shown that those who are on a diet, they spend more time thinking and eating food, which is considered part of the body defence against malnutrition

The excessive preoccupation with weight tortures not only women but more and more men and children, often leads to low self-esteem as the person is concentrated more on the external appearance, rather than the personality, character, the talents and abilities

Mothers who are on a weight loss diet-are-bad example for their children, because they are dealing excessively with their weight from a very early age

Making a weight loss diet, often makes you fall into the trap and put your life in standby mode, waiting to be slimmer to do the things you want or things you believe will make you happy, which of course translates into losing valuable time and years from your life that will not come back regardless if you lose weight or if you decide to give up diets forever.

Weight loss tips for a successfully weight loss

The diet and weight loss are matters, which concern us particularly, because it directly affects our health and also the image of our body.
Certainly, many people use the wrong methods to lose weight, usually because they do not have the knowledge, the financial capacity to support a right choice or the patience to wait until they reach the weight they want. Some of the most common errors made in relation to weight loss will be analyzed below and they should be avoided because they may have devastating effects on your metabolism
Do not follow a weight loss diet given for someone else
Following a diet that was give for someone else may lead to weight loss failures. This is a natural consequence. We must make absolutely clear that everyone has different metabolic needs, different lifestyles and eating habits that must be explored before following a diet. Therefore, a diet to be successful should be adapted to these and only these needs.
It is not possible that a person weighing 110 kilos to follow the same diet with a person who weighs 70 kilos for the simple reason that they have different energy needs and may have a different medical history, as well as different blood tests. The role of the dietician is to collect all information necessary to compose the best diet for each person separately
Do not follow and trust rapid weight loss diets
Probably you’ve seen this before: “For a week I followed the diet of cabbage soup and saw spectacular results: I lost 8 pounds, but unfortunately regain them within 2 weeks and also got another 2.”
Do not trust miracle diets that promise super spectacular results, such as loss of fat from certain parts of the body or loss of 10 kg of both fat and weight in a week etc. If there were really good diets that someone could easily apply and lose weight fast without healthy risks and without destroying the metabolism and most importantly without getting the weight back, then the nutritionists who advocate a balanced diet and a gradual weight loss would have disappeared as a species simply because everyone would apply the super spectacular diets.
However, it seems that the dieticians will survive and the lost weight comes back to double and triple after a spectacular super diet (such as cabbage soup, with the 5 fruit and the 2 yoghurts, the zone diet, Atkins diet, the Beverly Hills Diet and others) so it is certain and for sure there are no magic and painless ways to lose weight.
Do not believe everything the marketers are trying to sell you. Let us speak the language of truth. If you follow a diet that is chemical or extremely low calorie, you will only succeed in losing fluids and muscle mass and then regain the lost weight in the form of fat. In addition, an improper diet shake your nerves, decreasing the concentration, cause sleep disorders, depression, and hypotension and can also cause anaemia
Be patient is your weight loss efforts
‘My friend and me have the same weight, same height and same age. We follow the same diet, yet she has lost 5 pounds so far and I only 3. Is something wrong with my body?
As stated above, each person’s organism is different, thus responding to a weight loss program in a different manner than another person with the same weight at the same age and same height. There is no problem with your organism. Continue to consistently follow the diet and your body will respond in time. Do not hurry and do not compete with others. It is not a race; it is an effort to improve your self
Eat foods from all food groups
‘You must not eat any pasta and make detoxification diet once a week with 5 fruit and 3 light yogurts in order to lose weight fast.  My metabolism helps gain weight even if I eat a few pasta”.
Who assessed your situation and concluded that you should not eat pasta because it will help you gain more weight? Is there a proven test, which shows that detoxification is necessary for weight loss, are there any real scientific studies? Probably not.
To lose weight properly with less chance of losing liquids and to maximize fat loss, it is necessary to eat balanced from all food groups, in an amount less than that required for maintaining your weight. If you reduce too much the intake of calories, then it affects your metabolism, and this will reduce the burning of fat and you will begin to lose weight more difficult.
The detoxification diets, only contribute to reduced energy intake, dehydration and can cause depletion due to low energy. The result is that you lose weight temporarily, but you will regain the weight immediately when you start to eat normally.
If you want to lose weight sensibly, then you should follow weight loss tips that are proven and get weight loss help custom to your own needs from specialists.
When getting the assistance of a specialist you should look very carefully at the experience and training of the person. You should see if he/she is a graduate, has licensed to practice and is a member of the Dieticians Association. There are many nutritionists that do not have the necessary qualifications and experience so you need to be very careful from whom you will get advice about your weight loss efforts.
Our health is not ‘cheap product’, so there are no cheap ways to manage it. Each of us has the right to proper and professional information on weight loss diets and it is your right to request it.

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