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Strength Building Workout Program

Wednesday, August 3, 2011 , Posted by Msry 7or at 6:10 PM

Rest is essential when your goal shifts from building muslce to gaining strength. You need to rest not only between workout days, but as well, between sets. You will note the routine uses fewer repitions, because unlike muscle growth training, you need to use the maximum amount of weight possible on fewer repititions.
For this routine, you need to workout three times a week, leaving a day break between day two and three of the routine. Perform a warmup set of each exercise using 2/3 of the normal amount of weights before continuing with the full weight amount.
Do two exercises back-to-back with no rest in between, then rest for 1 minute, and continue onto the next two exercises that you'll perform back-to-back with no rest (this is called 'supersetting').
Even though you will be working out three days a week, alternate between the Day 1 and Day 2 routines. So for example, the first week might look like this: Monday (Day 1), Tuesday (Day 2), Thursday (Day 1) with the following week will start off as Monday (Day 1).
Finally, to build strength, you need to move the weights more quickly in a controlled mannor while maintaing correct posture.

Day 1 Upper Body

Barbell Bench Press

5sets, 5 repetitions

This exercise is excellent for building strength and muscle mass, but it is not suitable for a beginner - it should be regarded as a useful progression from Machine Chest Press. It works on the front of the shoulders and triceps as well as the chest.
STEP 1. Lie on your back with your feet supported either by a raised platform or the floor. Make sure that you do not over-extend your lower back and keep your buttocks in contract with the bench. Take an overhand grip on the bar, slightly wider than a shoulder-width apart. Inhale and push the bar off the rack (if there is one) then move it lower down to the midline of your chest.

STEP 2. Try to keep the bar, your wrists, elbows, and your shoulders working on the same line of axis - straight up and down.

STEP 3. Hold for a second then push the bar back up, making sure that you shoulders do not hunch forward away from the bench and that it is your triceps muscles and chest that are pushing.

STEP 4. Keep your upper body in contract with the bench as much as possible and keep your breathing rhythmical - exhale when you push the bar back up.
Target: Chest    Muscles Worked: Pectoralis, Deltoids, Triceps Brachii
Difficulty: Beginner

Barbell Bent Over Row

5sets, 5 repetitions 

STEP 1. With your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees bent roughly 15 to 30 degrees, keep your torso straight with a slight arch in your back as you lean forward at the hips. Your torso should be, at this point, roughly parallel to the floor. Grab the barbell off the floor using a false overhand grip (thumbs should be in line with the rest of your fingers) that's slightly wider than shoulder width. Let this bar hang at arm's length in front of you.

STEP 2. Slowly retract your shoulder blades as to have the bar pull up to the lower part of your sternum. Try not to use your arm muscles, and focus on getting the most activity out of your middle-back muscles.

STEP 3. Pause at the top where your chest should be sticking out toward the bar. Then, slowly return to the starting position while keeping your torso in the same position throughout the movement. Remember that your bent knees should provide all of the suspension your torso requires to be steady.
Target: Back    Muscles Worked: Latissimus Dorsi, Trapezius, Lower Back
Difficulty: Beginner

Assisted Pull-up

5sets, 5 repetitions 

This is an excellent exercise for the whole back that can be performed by people of any ability. It also works the biceps muscles and forearm muscles very effectively, so it can be used as part of an arm workout.
STEP 1. Choose a suitable weight, then kneel or stand on the platform and grip the handles. Keep you abdominals and lower back muscles strong and slowly extend your arms until they are fully stretched. Make sure that you keep your shoulders down and retracted slightly back - this will help to keep the tension on your back muscles.
STEP 2. Keeping the movement under control and your elbows pulled down and back, pull yourself back up to the start position. Repeat for the desired number of reps.
Target: Back    Muscles Worked: Latissimus Dorsi, Biceps Brachii, Trapezius
Difficulty: Intermediate 

Standing Oblique Crunch

3sets, 8 repetitions

STEP 1. Attach a stirrup handle to the high cable and stand beside the weight stack as shown.

STEP 2. Grab the handle with your inside hand and pull down on the cable so that your palm is in line with your head and your elbow points straight downward.

STEP 3. Crunch your rib cage sideways toward your hip bone on the same side as the arm holding the pulley while keeping your hand in the same position relative to your head. Pause, then slowly straighten your back. Finish the repetitions on one side before doing the same on the other side.
Target: Abs    Muscles Worked: Obliques
Difficulty: Intermediate

Reverse Crunch

3sets, 8 repetitions

STEP 1. Lie on your back on the floor and raise your head and upper shoulders off the mat slightly. Lace your fingers from both hands together behind your inclined head for support while keeping your elbows wide apart. Do NOT bend your head toward your chest, keep it perpendicular to your torso but bend your knees 90 degrees, and raise your feet 1-2 inches off of the floor.

STEP 2. Then, lift your knees in a smooth arc toward your head while keeping everything else as still as possible. Once your knees are directly above your upper abdomen, pause, contract the abs, and then lower your feet back down slowly in reverse. Do not let them touch the floor though and ensure you continue to maintain tension in your abdominal muscles.
Target: Abs    Muscles Worked: Rectus Abdominis, Obliques
Difficulty: Intermediate

Day 2 Lower Body


Back Squat
6sets, 3-5 repetitions
This exercise is an effective one for developing leg strength and also works the upper-body stabilizing muscles. It requires a reasonable amount of strength and stability.
STEP 1. Stand with your feet hip-distance apart and with them facing forward and rest the bar on the back of your shoulders just above your shoulderblades. Pull your abdominal muscles in before starting the movement, but not so tightly that your breathing patterns are affected.
STEP 2. Inhale slowly and start the movement at your hips by pushing them out behind you in a sitting motion. Then allow your knees to bend, making sure that they do not travel forward over your toes.
STEP 3. Travel down until your knees are flexed at 90 degrees at a comfortable point, exhale slowly and push your body weight up through your heels to straighten your legs.
Target: Legs    Muscles Worked: Quadriceps, Glutes, Soleus
Difficulty: Advanced
Dead Lift
6sets, 3-5 repetitions

is a full-body exercise that works all the major muscles in the body, and especially the ones in the legs and back. It is a very difficult exercise to do, but is an excellent strength-developer when it is performed well.
STEP 1. Stand with your feet hip-distance apart and bend down in sitting motion until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Keep your back straight and make sure that your spine is as close to the neutral position as possible. Take an overhand grip on the bar with your hands slightly wider than a shoulder-width apart.

STEP 2. Exhale, draw your abdominal muscles in, and lift the bar by pushing up through your legs.

STEP 3. As the bar reaches your knees during the lift phase, push your hips forward to raise your torso so that you are standing tall with your arms by your sides and the bar resting on your thighs.

STEP 4. Hold the position for two seconds, inhale and return the weight to the floor.
Target: Back    Muscles Worked: Glutes, Quadriceps, Soleus
Difficulty: Beginner
Swiss-Ball Leg Curl
4sets, 6 repetitions

STEP 1. While lying on your back, place your lower legs on a Swiss ball. Then, put your hands flat on the floor next to your hips.

STEP 2. Push your hips up so that your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Without pausing, pull your heels toward you and roll the ball as close as possible to your butt.

STEP 3. Pause, then roll the ball back until your body is in a straight line again.
Target: Legs    Muscles Worked: Hamstrings, Quadriceps
Difficulty: Advanced
Cable Hamstring Curl
3sets, 8 repetitions

This exercise not only helps with balance and stability but also develops the strength of your hamstrings. You can work your gluteal muscles if you use the third variation.
STEP 1. Stand tall and hold on to the support with both hands, place the foot and ankle of the leg to be exercised into the support strap and raise that leg slightly off the group. Flex your standing leg slightly at the knee. Your legs should be parallel to each other and your abdominal muscles pulled in - but not so tightly that your breathing is affected.

STEP 2. Exhale and slowly pull your ankle up toward your bottom, keeping your hips and knees in line with each other. Do not allow your ankle to travel backward.

STEP 3. When your ankle has moved as far as it can, inhale and slowly lower your leg back to the starting position - but do not allow your foot to touch the floor.

STEP 4. Repeat for desired number of repetitions, then repeat the exercise using your other leg.
Target: Legs    Muscles Worked: Hamstrings, Gastrocnemius
Difficulty: Intermediate

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