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Complete Body Workout Program

Wednesday, August 3, 2011 , Posted by Msry 7or at 5:58 PM

This routine is fairly simple and requires that you workout roughly 3 times a week. Remember to always start with a warmup consisting of roughly 5-10 minutes of cardiovascular activities (treadmil, skipping, etc) followed by some stretching


Bar Military Press

2sets, 11-12 repetitions

This is one of the most effective of all the shoulder-building exercises, and should be incorporated in workout programs of all levels once the correct movement has been mastered and feels comfortable.
STEP 1. Sit with your back on a bench that allows a steep incline - between 80° and 90°. Grasp the barbell with an overhand (pronated) grip with your hands just a little wider than shoulder-width apart and rest it on your upper chest.
STEP 2. Brace your shoulders and back, then inhale and press the bar straight up, keeping your elbows slightly bent at the top.
STEP 3. To finish, lower back down to the start position, keeping your abdominals and lower back braced, then repeat for the desired number of reps.
Target: Shoulders    Muscles Worked: Deltoids, Pectoralis, Triceps Brachii
Difficulty: Intermediate


Lat Pulldown
 2sets, 12 repetitions

Lat Pulldown

This exercise works both the back and biceps effectively.
STEP 1. Sitting on a bench, grab a bar with a false overhand - thumb on the same side as your fingers - shoulder-width grip.

STEP 2. As you pull your shoulder blades together and down, while sticking your chest out, pull the bar to your chest. Then, pause with the bar an inch or so from your chest, and slowly let it rise to where it began. Throughout, keep your chest out.
Target: Arms    Muscles Worked: Latissimus Dorsi, Biceps Brachii, Trapezius
Difficulty: Beginner
Cable Seated Low Row
2 sets, 12 repetitions

Cable Seated Low Row

This is a very good back exercise that also isolates the upper back effectively when you retract the shoulderblades during the movement. The eccentric part of the movement also stretches the back muscles out.
STEP 1. Place your feet on the platform, keeping a slight bend in your knees and making your posture "tall". Grasp the handles and extend your back forward while keeping your shoulders slightly retracted, and then pull your elbows in and back toward the sides of your torso - the handles should come all the way in until it reaches your navel.

STEP 2. Hold the position for a second before returning back out, keeping the movement under control: your arms returning to the extended position; your back going slightly forward; and with your knees slightly bent.

STEP 3. Repeat for the desired number of reps.
Target: Back    Muscles Worked: Trapezius, Latissimus Dorsi, Pectoralis
Difficulty: Beginner


Decline Close-Grip Bench Press
2sets, 12 repetitions

Decline Close-Grip Bench Press

This exercise targets primarily the triceps, but includes some lower chest muscles.
STEP 1. While lying on a declined bench, grab the bar using an overhand grip, but hold them closer together than the normal shoulder-width apart.

STEP 2. Lift it off the uprights and hold it over your lower chest at arm's length.

STEP 3. Slowly lower the bar to your chest, while keeping your elbows as close to your sides as possible. Pause, then push the bar up until your arms are straight.
Target: Arms    Muscles Worked: Pectoralis, Deltoids, Triceps Brachii
Difficulty: Intermediate
Cable Chest Press
2sets, 12 repetitions

Cable Chest Press

This exercise is similar to other bench and chest presses but the unstable nature of cables makes it a little more advanced than them. The comparative lack of stability means that there has to be more emphasis on working not just the major chest muscles but also the muscles that assist them.
STEP 1. Lie back on the bench with your feet on the ground or any foot platform, grasp a cable handle in each hand, and extend your arms up above your shoulders.

STEP 2. With your palms facing each other, inhale and slowly lower the handles out and down to the side of your torso. Make sure that your wrists are straight and your elbows are in line with your shoulders.

STEP 3. Perform a full stretch in the lower position, then exhale and push back up into the start position, keeping your wrists, elbows, and shoulders in line.

STEP 4. During the lowering phase, rotate your hands so that your palms face down toward your feet when the move has been finished - rotate your hands back as you push back up.
Target: Chest    Muscles Worked: Pectoralis, Biceps Brachii, Deltoids
Difficulty: Advanced


Seated Triceps Extension
2sets, 11-12 repetitions

Seated Triceps Extension

STEP 1. Sit on a bench, and grab a pair of dumbbells. Hold them so that they are at arm's length above your head with palms facing inward together.

STEP 2. Keep your upper arms stable as you lower the dumbbells behind your head until your forearms are just past parallel to the floor.

STEP 3. Pause, then straighten your arms to return the dumbbells to starting position.
Target: Arms    Muscles Worked: Triceps, Deltoids
Difficulty: Beginner
Dumbbell Biceps Curl
2sets, 11-12 repetitions

Dumbbell Biceps Curl

This is a useful exercise for beginners because it helps correct any imbalance between the strength of the two biceps and allows for variations of hand grip that help develop biceps further.
STEP 1. Stand tall, maintaining good posture, with your feet hip-distance apart, and your knees slightly flexed, leaving your arms by your sides with your palms facing forward.

STEP 2. Inhale, then raise the dumbbells slowly toward your shoulders as you exhale, keeping your elbows close to your sides. Make sure that you do not allow your elbows to travel forward.

STEP 3. When you have raised the dumbbells to your shoulders inhale and slowly lower them back to the starting position.
Target: Arms    Muscles Worked: Biceps Brachii, Brachialis
Difficulty: Beginner
Cable Close Grip Pulldown
2sets, 11-12 repetitions

Cable Close Grip Pulldown

STEP 1. Grab a handle using a close grip with your arms extended straight overhead.

STEP 2. Pull the handle down to the top of your chest.

STEP 3. Return the handle back to the starting position by straightening your arms completely Keep your back upright and straight throughout the movement.
Target: Back    Muscles Worked: Latissimus Dorsi, Brachialis, Trapezius
Difficulty: Intermediate


Machine Leg Press
2sets, 12 repetitions

Machine Leg Press

This is a useful exercise for beginners that develops all the major muscles in the leg, but particularly the quadriceps and the gluteal muscles.
STEP 1. Place your feet a hip-distance apart on the footplate with your toes facing forward, and set the seat so that you have a 90 degree angle at the knee.

STEP 2. Exhale and slowly push your feet away, making sure that you keep them flat on the footplate.

STEP 3. Push out to a point at which you still have a slight amount of flexion at your knees.

STEP 4. Inhale and slowly return to the starting position.
Target: Legs    Muscles Worked: Quadriceps, Glutes, Gastrocnemius
Difficulty: Intermediate
Dead Lift
2sets, 15 repetitions

Dead Lift

is a full-body exercise that works all the major muscles in the body, and especially the ones in the legs and back. It is a very difficult exercise to do, but is an excellent strength-developer when it is performed well.
STEP 1. Stand with your feet hip-distance apart and bend down in sitting motion until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Keep your back straight and make sure that your spine is as close to the neutral position as possible. Take an overhand grip on the bar with your hands slightly wider than a shoulder-width apart.

STEP 2. Exhale, draw your abdominal muscles in, and lift the bar by pushing up through your legs.

STEP 3. As the bar reaches your knees during the lift phase, push your hips forward to raise your torso so that you are standing tall with your arms by your sides and the bar resting on your thighs.

STEP 4. Hold the position for two seconds, inhale and return the weight to the floor.
Target: Back    Muscles Worked: Glutes, Quadriceps, Soleus
Difficulty: Beginner
Machine Leg Curl
2sets, 10-12 repetitions

Machine Leg Curl

This is a basic but effective exercise that promotes the development of the hamstrings.
STEP 1. Lay face down on the machine, with its leg pad just above your heels and make sure that your knees line up with its pivot points.

STEP 2. Slowly exhale and pull your heels toward your hips, flexing your knees as much as you need to for comfort.

STEP 3. When you have moved as far as you can without any sense of straining, inhale and slowly return your heels to the starting position.
Target: Legs    Muscles Worked: Hamstrings, Glutes
Difficulty: Beginner

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