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Lower Abs Workouts For Ripped Abs

Sunday, August 7, 2011 , Posted by Msry 7or at 12:29 PM

Lower abs workouts are important in any serious exercise program. They help to strengthen the spine and lower back, as well as build up the abdominal muscles. The lower abs contain two different sections, the Rectus Abdominus and the Transverse Abdominus. It is important to train both sections of the lower abs in order to create a stable lower abdomen.
They are one of the hardest muscle groups to train as they require constant work in order to keep them built up. Of course, losing the fat around the stomach area is crucial so that you can show off your abs but that will be covered in more detail in another article on this site. For now we are concentrating on the lower abs and the workouts that will help.
So, here's some lower abs workout tips

Don't Overdo The Training
When working on the abs, either by sit-ups or another exercise, it is important to always feel the lower abs as you are training. If you don't feel them but feel other muscle groups, then you should stop training and rest for a few minutes. Otherwise you will just be wasting valuable energy

Start Slowly To Avoid Injury
If at any stage you feel pain in your lower back, then stop the exercise immediately. You should never feel pain when exercising, it either means that your abs aren't built up enough to cope with the exercise or you may even not be doing the exercise as it should be done.
3. Don't Rush It
Take your time when doing your lower ab exercises. You will get more benefit by taking your time and performing the exercises correctly, than you will by rushing them and not doing them right

Remember To Breathe
OK, we all know what happens if we don't breathe! But when training it is important to breathe at the correct stage of the exercise. When doing sit-ups, you should breathe in when crunching and breathe out when straightening up. Get your breathing right and it will help build your muscles faster.
Although lower abs workouts can be quite strenuous, unfortunately there is no short cut to getting ripped abs. You simply have to perform the exercises regularly, do them correctly and try to enjoy them as much as you can. The more times you put them off, the less they will grow and the longer it will take you.

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