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Weight loss tips before and after the holidays

Monday, August 8, 2011 , Posted by Msry 7or at 12:08 PM

People who are trying to lose weight have a hard time before, during and after the holidays. This is because there are so many temptations during this period that are capable of destroying your weight loss efforts. If you are serious about losing weight then you can take some precaution measures before, during and after the holiday period. This article is about weight loss tips you can follow to ensure that the holidays will not have a negative effect on your efforts to lose weight.

Weight loss tips before the holidays

If you follow a proper weight loss plan then you should know how many calories you can consume daily in order to maintain your normal weight or even lose weight. This calculation will help you get prepared for the holidays better. What you need to do is to adjust your diet and exercise so as to burn a few more calories per day. For example one month before the holidays you can reduce your calorie intake by 200 calories per day and increase the intensity and frequency of exercise. This will help you create a gap so that you can relax during the holiday period. Provided that you will be a bit careful with your diet this gap will help you maintain your weight as it was one month before the holidays.

Weight loss tips during the holidays

Your weight loss goals during the holiday period should not be to lose weight but to try not to gain more weight. We mentioned many times that in order for weight loss to be effective you need to follow a weight loss program that you like and is easy to follow. If you try to push your self too much then for sure your will fail. The holiday period is definitely not the time to push too hard. It is the time to relax, fill up your batteries, re-set your goals and get ready to start the New Year with more power and willingness. Do not let weight loss spoil this period. Forget about losing weight and just try to be careful not to gain weight from eating and drinking. This is not very hard to do. It is also a good test to see for yourself if you managed to adapt to a healthier lifestyle. In other words now that you will set your self free to eat whatever you want, you will realize how good was your weight loss program. If you find yourself rushing to eat anything like a maniac then this is a sign that what you did so far for losing weight is wrong and you need to rethink about your weight loss plan. If on the other hand you notice that you are careful on what you eat and that before eating something you think about the consequences then this means that you are on the right track.
It is also good to remember that you can have a good time during the holidays by following a healthy lifestyle. Fun does not necessarily mean eating and drinking like crazy. There are plenty of healthy foods for your gatherings and meals that will give you joy and a good health.

Weight loss tips after the holidays

The first thing to do once the holidays are over is to access your situation. There is no need to panic or rush into deprivation diets. What you need to do is to get on the scale and see how much weight (if any), you gained during the holidays. Depending on the amount of pounds you got you will set out your plan. Your goal should be to get back to the same situation and weight levels you had before the holidays. The best way to achieve that is to get into your weight loss schedule as usual. Do not try any rapid weight loss techniques to lose the extra weight fast. This will not work. Instead try to follow your ‘normal’ plan for a couple of weeks and if you notice that the extra pounds did not go away then start a more aggressive plan for about 3-4 weeks. This will get you back on the right track.

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