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25Weight loss tips that work

Monday, August 8, 2011 , Posted by Msry 7or at 11:03 AM

Apart from physical exercise there is also another secure way to lose weight, and this is through a proper diet and healthy weight loss tips. In other words the weight loss we can achieve with proper nutrition. And the truth is that we do not need enormous sacrifices to lose some extra pounds. They say that everything passes through our brain. Let us therefore refer to some weight loss tips that work and correct these errors so as to change our dietary habits.

Weight loss tips that work

Usually when we are hungry we eat a salad first and then we end up in the main meal. The salad can be raw, freshly cut with a spoonful of olive oil while the main dish includes boiled vegetables and roast meat or fish

If you want something refreshing that reminds you of sweet, try low-fat yoghurt and fruit

Cereals should not be missing from your diet. Only make sure that they are not in the 
 category of cereals containing sugar, chocolate, or crystallized fruit. Combine your cereals with milk. Do not exceed though two big tablespoons a day

If you ‘re hungry at work you can have during work hours 2-3 rusks that can fight your hunger until lunchtime. A similar solution is also other total milling snacks

The cream cheese is a type of cheese that you can enjoy without any remorse. With toasted bread can “keep you” for several hours

If you do have cooked meal for lunch, then you can try a toast with low fat cheese and boiled turkey. The bread can be rye or total milling. You can accompany your lunch by a glass of milk or orange juice

Avoid drinking too many coffees because caffeine products encourage cellulite! Better to enjoy other things that give you energy as strictly controlled vitamins

Before eating your main meal and before eating your salads try to drink a glass of water. It is certainly something that reduces the quantity to eat

Many times the boiled pulses, in combination with green vegetables can make a substantially low-fat lunch. Try lentils, chickpeas and beans

. If you want something really sweet, you put your life cherries and red fruits in general.Avoid ice cream and choose sorbet

Before you eat anything, try to drink something (with no alcohol and no sugar). Maybe what you translate as “hunger” is a simple and painless «hunger

Use an accurate scale to record your progress. Always be weighed in the morning after the toilet and before you enjoy your breakfast. If you see that in the course of one week you did not lose any weight then reduce by one tablespoon each meal and continue in this way

Make sure you have in the fridge several variations of dietary edible species so that you are not oppressed by the limited repertoire of flavours…. Perhaps this is the key to a successful diet. Make sure you have many different fruits, many different low-fat milk, many salads, many sources of protein and in general a rich but carefully selected fridge

Eat slowly. If you delay, you may within 20 minutes to cut your appetite or satisfy your hunger

Eat when hungry. Just eat a little. Your do need to have fixed hours for snacks. Snacks help you avoid the huge irregularities between the 3 regular meals

Meat, fish and poultry are healthier when barbecued rather than fried. Through barbecue the extra fat is removed and more flavour is added

Prefer milk with 1% fat or, if you can, with no fat. The light milk provides the same nutrients in the body but with less saturated fat, cholesterol and less calories of course

Adopt the recipe of the chef: always garnish the food or your dessert to be the same «beautiful» in the plate and in the eye

If you belong to that category of people seeking refuge in food, every time they are stressed then it is time to change these habits

Train your stomach so that when you feel you are no longer hungry to let down the fork

Physical exercise: if you are not fanatical friend of the gym, try walking. Physical exercise is essential to maintain your weight, and activates the metabolism and reduces stress and anxiety

Eat regular meals: you should forget any meal during the day. The often dense and small meals activate metabolism, leading to «burn» more calories

 Low calorie food: If you are having a difficult time and your visits to the refrigerator are frequent, be sure to fill your fridge with weight loss foods ,low in fat

Dinner: Try not to eat too late at night to give your body the necessary time for the process of digestion

Dot not get discouraged. A weight loss process is hard, requires a lot of work and takes time. Be patient and consistent and the good results will not take long to come.
The above 25 actions are certainty weight loss tips that work for everyone wanting not only to lose weight but also be able to maintain current weight. They are easy to follow and all you need to do is to remind your self about these weight loss tips every time you want to eat something.

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