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Exercises Shoulder

Wednesday, August 3, 2011 , Posted by Msry 7or at 12:03 PM

Available shoulder workout routines:
Choose a shoulder workout exercise that you wish to perform, and fully labeled directions shall be provided on the following page


Bar Military Press

This is one of the most effective of all the shoulder-building exercises, and should be incorporated in workout programs of all levels once the correct movement has been mastered and feels comfortable.
STEP 1. Sit with your back on a bench that allows a steep incline - between 80° and 90°. Grasp the barbell with an overhand (pronated) grip with your hands just a little wider than shoulder-width apart and rest it on your upper chest.
STEP 2. Brace your shoulders and back, then inhale and press the bar straight up, keeping your elbows slightly bent at the top.
STEP 3. To finish, lower back down to the start position, keeping your abdominals and lower back braced, then repeat for the desired number of reps.
Target: Shoulders    Muscles Worked: Deltoids, Pectoralis, Triceps Brachii
Difficulty: Intermediate

Bar Upright Row

This exercise works not only the shoulders but the trapezius (in the back), making it a good linking exercise between shoulders and back.
STEP 1. Stand with your feet slightly wider than a shoulder-width apart and take an overhand grip on a barbell with your hands also a shoulder-width apart.
STEP 2. Pull up to the level of your chin, keeping the bar close to your body and keeping your elbows higher than the bar.
STEP 3. Hold for a few seconds before lowering back to the start position, ensuring that your elbows remain slightly bent and avoiding any bouncing or jerking movements.
Target: Shoulders    Muscles Worked: Deltoids, Rotator Cuff, Trapezius
Difficulty: Beginner

Cable Front Raise

STEP 1. Grab the handle of a floor pulley with your left hand. Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart and fairly close to the pulley with your back toward it.

STEP 2. Bend your left arm slightly and keep it fixed at the elbow throughout the movement.

STEP 3. Keep your torso still as you raise your left arm forward to shoulder level. Your palm should be facing the floor at the peak.

STEP 4. Hold this position for a few seconds, then slowly lower your arm back to starting position.
Target: Shoulders    Muscles Worked: Deltoids, Trapezius, Pectoralis
Difficulty: Intermediate

Cable Rear Lateral Raise

This exercise works the deltoids, in the shoulder, especially the rear head of each deltoid. At the end of the movement, when you pinch your scapulae (shoulder blades) together, you can emphasize trapezius and the rhomboids (in the back).
STEP 1. Kneel down on your hands and knees side-on to the cable machine, making sure that you keep your back straight and your abdominal muscles pulled in. Reach through and grab the handle, then take up the stack on the weight stack.

STEP 2. Keeping your elbow slightly bent, pull your arm back through until your upper arm is in line with your shoulder. At the same time, extend your lower arm and contract the rear of your shoulder.

STEP 3. Keeping the movement under control, guide the cable back to the start position, keeping the tension on throughout, and repeat for the desired number of reps.
Target: Shoulders    Muscles Worked: Deltoids, Trapezius
Difficulty: Advanced

Cable Side Lateral Raise

This is an excellent exercise that isolates the medial head of the deltoids (at the side of the shoulders) almost completely. The movement is very effective and beginners and those at intermediate or advanced levels can use it as part of a shoulder workout.
STEP 1. Stand close to the cable machine and side-on to it, position your arm slightly in front of your thighs and take hold of the handle.

STEP 2. Inhale and, keeping a slight bend in the elbow, raise your arm out to the side of the body until your upper arm is level with your shoulder. Keep your palm facing down.

STEP 3. Slowly, and with the movement under control, lower your arm back down to the start position.
Target: Shoulders    Muscles Worked: Deltoids, Rotator Cuff, Trapezius
Difficulty: Advanced

Cable Woodchopper

STEP 1. Take a stirrup handle, and attach it to the pulley. Grab it with both hands firmly, and stand with your left side toward the cable station and your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold onto the handle as if you are about to swing an axe.

STEP 2. Then, pull the rope down so that it crosses your torso. Bend and twist your waist to ensure that the handle ends up on the far side of your right calf. Pause while at the bottom, and then slowly straighten your body posture, as you return to starting position.

STEP 3. Finish the number of repetitions you wish to do, then repeat wit your right side toward the weight track.
Target: Shoulders    Muscles Worked: Obliques, Pectoralis, Lower Back
Difficulty: Intermediate

Dumbbell Lateral Raise

This exercise is almost identical to one given as a variant to the Cable Side Lateral, but in this case, the exercise can be changed slightly to incorporate either more or less work for the upper back by using varying ranges of motion.
STEP 1. Stand with your feet a shoulder-width apart, keeping your back straight and arms slightly in front of your torso. With your elbows slightly bent, take a dumbbell in each hand.

STEP 2. Raise the dumbbells out and up to the level of your shoulders. Keep your palms facing the ground.

STEP 3. Keeping your elbows bent, lower slowly back to the start position and repeat for the desired number of reps.
Target: Shoulders    Muscles Worked: Deltoids, Rotator Cuff, Trapezius
Difficulty: Beginner

Machine Lateral Raise

This exercise isolates the medial head of the shoulder, but because its movement is fixed there is little room for error. This makes the exercise an ideal one for beginners.
STEP 1. Adjust the seat height so that the center of your shoulder aligns with the machine's rotational axis.

STEP 2. Keeping your back tall, brace your shoulders and life your arms to the horizontal while keeping your shoulders down. Maintain correct posture.

STEP 3. Return your arms to the starting position, keeping the movement under control.
Target: Shoulders    Muscles Worked: Deltoids, Rotatory Cuff
Difficulty: Beginner

Upright Row

STEP 1. For this exercise, it is best to use an EZ-cur bar, attached to the low cable. Stand roughly 30 cm or a foot in front of the device.

STEP 2. Grab the bar with an overhand, shoulder-width grip, and hold it at an arm's length in front of your thighs.

STEP 3. Pull the bar upward until your upper arms are parallel to the floor. Do not extend past this mark. Pause at this point, then gradually lower the bar back to the starting position.
Target: Shoulders    Muscles Worked: Deltoids, Biceps Brachii, Trapezius
Difficulty: Intermediate

Machine Shoulder Press

This is a very good strength exercise that can build good base level of muscle in the shoulder region. There is a fixed plan of motion, so little technical ability is needed to make the exercise effective. A great all-round shoulder exercise.
STEP 1. Adjust the seat height, aligning the horizontal handles with the top of your shoulders. Depress the foot level and ensure that your back is comfortably supported. Sit tall in the seat.

STEP 2. Push up, extending your arms over your head in a controlled manner. Avoid any snapping or locking out of the elbows.

STEP 3. Return to the start position in a controlled way and complete the remainder of your reps.
Target: Shoulders    Muscles Worked: Deltoids, Rotator Cuff
Difficulty: Intermediate

Rotator Cuff - External

As with the internal rotator-cuff exercise, this exercise helps prevent injuries to the shoulder girdle, and is extremely effective. It works the external layer of rotator-cuff muscles beneath the shoulder muscles. Doing this exercise is an ideal way of finishing a shoulder workout or a rehab routine. In conjunction with the internal rotator cuff-exercise it plays an important part in the wind-up of a shoulder workout or rehab routine.
STEP 1. Stand facing away from the cable machine, take up the handle, keep your forearm parallel to the floor, and fix your elbow in to the side of your body.

STEP 2. Rotate your upper arm out, bring your forearm away from your body and out, away from the midline.

STEP 3. Take the handle out to the side as much as possible within your own range of motion, and hold for a second before bringing it back in toward your navel.
Target: Shoulders    Muscles Worked: Rotator Cuff
Difficulty: Beginner

Rotator Cuff - Internal

This exercise helps prevent injuries to the shoulder girdle and is very effective. It works the small but important internal rotator-cuff muscles beneath the shoulder muscles. Doing this exercise is an ideal way of finishing a shoulder workout or a rehab routine.
STEP 1. Stand facing away from the cable machine. Take up the handle with your forearm parallel to the floor and at 90° to your body and your elbow pulled in to your side.

STEP 2. Slowly rotate your forearm in toward the midline of your body, ensuring that your elbow stays against your side. Bring it all the way in until your forearm reaches your navel and hold for a second before releasing.

STEP 3. Keeping the movement under control, release back out to the start position. Make sure that the movement is strict with no jerking and that you do not cheat by using other muscle groups.
Target: Shoulders    Muscles Worked: Rotator Cuff
Difficulty: Beginner

Single-Arm Pulldown

STEP 1. Grasp a single handle that has been attached to a lateral-pulldown machine, palm facing forward, while sitting on the seat with your legs under the thigh pads and your back straight.

STEP 2. Pull the handle downward, straight and slowly, until your elbow touches your side. Refrain from twisting your back or arm during the downward pull.

STEP 3. Return to starting position smoothly in one swift motion.
Target: Shoulders    Muscles Worked: Latissimus Dorsi, Deltoids, Biceps Brachii
Difficulty: Intermediate

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