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Exercises Abs

Wednesday, August 3, 2011 , Posted by Msry 7or at 11:51 AM

Abdominal Exercises

Available abdominal workout routines:
Choose an abdominal workout exercise that you wish to perform, and fully labeled directions shall be provided on the following page


Ab Crunch on a Ball

The basic movements of this exercise develop the strength of the abdominal muscles, while the use of the ball helps increase stability.
STEP 1. Slowly roll down onto the ball, letting your spine follow its curve, and place your head and neck in a comfortable position on its back. Place your hands at the sides of your head and position your feet hip-distance apart.

STEP 2. Draw your abdominal muscles, then exhale and curl your entire spine up, starting from the neck. Flex at your torso until the distance between the top of your pelvis and the bottom of your ribs stops shortening


Abdominal Reverse Curl

This exercise works the lower of your abdominal muscle and when performed correctly can eliminate the use of other muscles to cheat the movement.
STEP 1. Lie flat on a bench and reach back to hold on to the underside of the bench behind your head. Bend your legs at the knee, raising your feet off the bench so that your knees are over your hips.

STEP 2. Slowly draw your abdominal muscles toward your spine, then slowly exhale and push your spine into the bench - start with your lower back and make the movement flow up your spine until your hips roll up off the bench
STEP 3. Imagine that the bench is made of soft plastic and try to leave an imprint of your spine in it
STEP 4. When you have rolled the full length of your spine, inhale slowly and return to the starting position, pushing your spine into the bench as you roll back down


Barbell Cable Rollout

STEP 1. Place an ankle strap around the middle of the barbell and attach it to the low pulley. Select a light cable weight to begin.

STEP 2. Kneel with your back to the weights and the cable running between your legs. Grab the barbell with an overhand, shoulder-width grip, as illustrated.

STEP 3. Roll the bar away from you and follow its path with your arms straight. Go as far forward as you can go. The cable should help in pulling the weight back, but provides resistance to the negative portion of the exercise.

STEP 4. If you wish, you can try it it other way by kneeling on the opposite side of the bar, facing the weight stack, and feel the resistance as you pull it toward you, but none as you roll it out


Bicycle Kick

STEP 1. Lie on your back, and bend your knees at 90 degrees so that your thighs are pointing toward the ceiling. Place your hands behind your ears.

STEP 2. Pump your legs back and forth, as if riding a bicycle. Simultaneously, rotate your torso from side to side by moving an armpit, but not elbow, up toward the opposite knee


Crunch Twist

STEP 1. Lie on your back on the floor and raise your head and upper shoulders off the mat slightly. Lace your fingers from both hands together behind your inclined head for support while keeping your elbows wide apart. Do NOT bend your head toward your chest, keep it perpendicular to your torso but bend your knees 90 degrees, and raise your feet 1-2 inches off of the floor.

STEP 2. While twisting your torso to the left so that your right elbow moves toward your left knee, contract your stomach muscles. Ensure that you are lifting your left shoulder off the floor. At the height of the movement, pause, then slowly return to your starting position without relaxing your muscles. Alternate between leftward and rightward twists


Hanging Leg Raise

STEP 1. While holding onto a chinup bar using an overhand grip, hang with your knees bent slightly.

STEP 2. Pull your hips up as you curl inward toward your chest using the muscles of your lower abs. Life your knees as close to your chest as possible, rounding your lower back at the top. Then, pause, feel the contraction in your lower-abdominal muscles, and return to the position you began with


High Woodchopper

STEP 1. Attach a rope handle to the high cable and grab the rope with a hand-over-hand grip. Stand sideways, about 3 feet from the weight stack, and hold the rope over your shoulder, like an ax you are going to swing.

STEP 2. Bend and twist at the waist, bringing your hands down and across your torso so they end up on the far side of your outside calf. Let your feet pivot slightly with the movement, to protect your knees.

STEP 3. Pause at the bottom, then slowly straighten back to the starting position. Finish the reps on that side, then repeat with your opposite side toward the weight stack.


Inclined Reverse Crunch

STEP 1. Lying on a slant board, with your hips lower than your head, keep your knees slightly bent.

STEP 2. Slowly pull your hips upward and inward, like you would if emptying a bucket of water resting on your pelvis. Keep your knees at the same angle throughout the movement.

STEP 3. Pause, then slowly lower your hips to the starting position.



STEP 1. Get into a pushup position with tops of your feet and your shins on the ball and your hands on the floor.

STEP 2. Pull your knees close to your chest, letting the ball roll slightly forward. Keep your arms straight, and squeeze your abs hard at the top.

Kneeling Cable Crunch

STEP 1. Attach to the high pulley, the rope handle, and grab onto it. While facing the machine, kneel in front of the weights with your butt near your heels, but not resting on them. Hold the ropes at the sides of your face with your elbows pointing straight down to the floor.

STEP 2. Bring your rib cage toward your pelvis, making sure to avoid moving other parts of your lower body from the original position. Pause aas your elbows near your knees, the return to starting position. Repeat.

Oblique V-Up

STEP 1. Lie on your side with your body in a straight line and your arms crossed against your chest.

STEP 2. Life your legs off the floor, making sure to keep them tightly bound together. You should feel your obliques contracting, even though there isn't too much motion involved.

STEP 3. Pause, then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat as many times as needed, then switch sides.

Pulse Up

STEP 1. Lie on your back with your hands underneath your tailbone and have your legs straight upward, as illustrated.

STEP 2. Pull your navel inward and flex your glutes as you lift your hips just a few inches off the floor. Then lower your hips.

Reverse Crunch

STEP 1. Lie on your back on the floor and raise your head and upper shoulders off the mat slightly. Lace your fingers from both hands together behind your inclined head for support while keeping your elbows wide apart. Do NOT bend your head toward your chest, keep it perpendicular to your torso but bend your knees 90 degrees, and raise your feet 1-2 inches off of the floor.

STEP 2. Then, lift your knees in a smooth arc toward your head while keeping everything else as still as possible. Once your knees are directly above your upper abdomen, pause, contract the abs, and then lower your feet back down slowly in reverse. Do not let them touch the floor though and ensure you continue to maintain tension in your abdominal muscles.

Side Crunch

STEP 1. Keep your legs straight and extend your right arm along the floor (for balance) while lying on your right side. Cup your left hand behind your head while holding your head a few inches above the floor with your elbow pointing toward the ceiling, as shown. Remember to keep your head still (do not bend it toward your feet) throughout the movement phase.

STEP 2. Contract the muscles of the left side of your torso while moving your upper torso toward your feet so that your upper body curls in a smooth arc. Simultaneously, lift your legs upward, while keeping your ankles locked together, to form a "V" shape with your body. When your obliques are fully contracted, begin returning slowly to the starting position. Reverse your position afterward doing several repeats to work the right side of the body.

Standing Oblique Crunch

STEP 1. Attach a stirrup handle to the high cable and stand beside the weight stack as shown.

STEP 2. Grab the handle with your inside hand and pull down on the cable so that your palm is in line with your head and your elbow points straight downward.

STEP 3. Crunch your rib cage sideways toward your hip bone on the same side as the arm holding the pulley while keeping your hand in the same position relative to your head. Pause, then slowly straighten your back. Finish the repetitions on one side before doing the same on the other side.


STEP 1. With your back on the floor, and your legs straight, hold your arms straight above your chest, and have your fingers point upwards.

STEP 2. Fold your body upward by lifting your legs off the floor and stretching your arms toward your toes, while consciously contracting your abdominal muscles.

STEP 3. Then, pause for a short time, and return to starting position.


STEP 1. With your feet anchored under a sturdy object, lie with your knees bent. Then, fold your arms across your chest or just hold your hands behind your ears.

STEP 2. Use your abs to flex your spine and slowly lift your upper body. Finally, roll back down, slowly and with control. Repeat as desired.

Reverse Crunch

STEP 1. Lie on your back on the floor and raise your head and upper shoulders off the mat slightly. Lace your fingers from both hands together behind your inclined head for support while keeping your elbows wide apart. Do NOT bend your head toward your chest, keep it perpendicular to your torso but bend your knees 90 degrees, and raise your feet 1-2 inches off of the floor.

STEP 2. Then, lift your knees in a smooth arc toward your head while keeping everything else as still as possible. Once your knees are directly above your upper abdomen, pause, contract the abs, and then lower your feet back down slowly in reverse. Do not let them touch the floor though and ensure you continue to maintain tension in your abdominal muscles.

Pulse Up

STEP 1. Lie on your back with your hands underneath your tailbone and have your legs straight upward, as illustrated.

STEP 2. Pull your navel inward and flex your glutes as you lift your hips just a few inches off the floor. Then lower your hips.

Prone Cobra

This exercise helps develop the strength of the spinal muscles and the muscles that retract the shoulder blades, and also improves spinal mobility - it is a useful exercise for anyone who sits at a desk for long periods.
STEP 1. Lie face down on the floor with your arms beside your hips and your palms facing up. Activate your core muscles by drawing your abdominals toward your spine and squeezing your gluteals.

STEP 2. Slowly exhale and lift your chest off the floor and your arms up and backward toward your hips. Rotate your thumbs toward the ceiling as you carry out the movement.

STEP 3. Pause at the top of the movement for two seconds, then return to the start position.

Oblique V-Up

STEP 1. Lie on your side with your body in a straight line and your arms crossed against your chest.

STEP 2. Life your legs off the floor, making sure to keep them tightly bound together. You should feel your obliques contracting, even though there isn't too much motion involved.

STEP 3. Pause, then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat as many times as needed, then switch sides.

Side Crunch

STEP 1. Keep your legs straight and extend your right arm along the floor (for balance) while lying on your right side. Cup your left hand behind your head while holding your head a few inches above the floor with your elbow pointing toward the ceiling, as shown. Remember to keep your head still (do not bend it toward your feet) throughout the movement phase.

STEP 2. Contract the muscles of the left side of your torso while moving your upper torso toward your feet so that your upper body curls in a smooth arc. Simultaneously, lift your legs upward, while keeping your ankles locked together, to form a "V" shape with your body. When your obliques are fully contracted, begin returning slowly to the starting position. Reverse your position afterward doing several repeats to work the right side of the body.

Standing Oblique Crunch

STEP 1. Attach a stirrup handle to the high cable and stand beside the weight stack as shown.

STEP 2. Grab the handle with your inside hand and pull down on the cable so that your palm is in line with your head and your elbow points straight downward.

STEP 3. Crunch your rib cage sideways toward your hip bone on the same side as the arm holding the pulley while keeping your hand in the same position relative to your head. Pause, then slowly straighten your back. Finish the repetitions on one side before doing the same on the other side.

Swiss-Ball Oblique Crunch

STEP 1. Lie sideways on the ball, ensuring that you keep your legs straight. Brace your feet against a wall for support and hold your hands behind your ears.

STEP 2. Lift your shoulder and crunch sideways toward your hip. Hold for a second before releasing. Try not to twist your body.

Traditional Crunch

STEP 1. Lie with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Fold your arms across your chest or hold your hands behind your ears (Do not interlock your fingers behind your head).

STEP 2. Use your abs to lift your head and upper torso while keeping your lower back pressed firmly against the floor.

STEP 3. Pause with your shoulder blades a couple of inches off the floor, then slowly return to the starting position using a controlled movement.


This exercise helps develop core strength and both spinal strength and stability, as well as working the muscles that retract the shoulder blade retractors and the gluteals.
STEP 1. Kneel on all fours with your knees under your hips and hip-distance apart and put your hands on the floor a shoulder-width apart under your shoulders. Put your spine into the neutral position. Activate your core by drawing your abdominal muscles back toward your spine.

STEP 2. Without any sideways movement and keeping your abdomen pulled in, exhale and slowly raise an opposite arm and leg until they are parallel to the floor - be careful to follow the tempo you have set.

STEP 3. Inhale and slowly return your arm and leg to the starting position.

STEP 4. Repeat for the desired number of reps, then repeat the exercise using the other arm and leg.



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