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Blue Hole, the most deadly spot in egypt "Very Interesting Place"

Posted by Msry 7or on Wednesday, August 10, 2011 , under | Comment (0)

7Best tips for fast weight loss

Posted by Msry 7or on Monday, August 8, 2011 , under | Comment (0)

There are numerous ways to lose weight fast and in this post we outline the 7 best fast weight loss tips

Exercise is a must for fast weight loss
Everybody knows this; exercise is a must for a fast weight loss. With exercise you achieve a lot of things. First you burn more calories and lose weight faster, second you ensure that you will not gain the weight back and third you provide your health with many benefits. What is important is to exercise frequently and to increase the duration of exercise every couple of weeks. For starters you should aim for 30 minute sessions, 3 times per week. As you become more experienced with exercise you should aim for 45 minutes, 5 times per week

Strength training is also required
Many people when we talk about exercise they think aerobics or cardio exercises. There is another form of exercise that is very beneficial for weight loss. This is strength training exercises like weight lifting and body building. These are also needed for a fast and safe weight loss and you should try and include them in your exercise schedule. Strength training exercises can help you build more muscles, can boost your metabolism and can help you achieve your weight loss goals faster

Food journal
Being able to control what you eat can play a significant role in fast weight loss. To be able to do that you need to know how many calories you consume on a daily basis. It is a proven fact that people when asked about their daily diet, then tend to forget a number of things. One of the ways to make sure that everything you eat is counted in your daily diet calculations is by keeping a food journal. In this you should try anything you eat and drink during a day. Next to each item you can write the number of calories they contain and thus you can arrive at a daily total. By having this information you can then adjust the foods you eat and save the required amount of calories so that you lose weight

Re – set your weight loss goals
Your weight loss goals should not simply be to lose weight. Weight loss is not an exercise you have to do once and then forget about it. A successful weight loss is when you manage to lose weight by changing your lifestyle and eating habits and not by just saving calories and making calculations. Eating healthy should become your second nature and exercising should become your daily friend. So, instead of just setting arithmetic goals concentrate on how to change your lifestyle to match a healthier living

Separate eating from your other emotions
A lot of people have associated eating with their emotions. It is very common for people to eat because they are feeling stress, anxiety, depression, anger etc. This is a bad and very unhealthy habit. Usually the food you eat when in this state is unhealthy and full of fats and calories. You need to realize that food is not the medicine for your emotions. Food is a pleasure and a way to provide your body with the energy it needs to function properly. If you want to lose weight then you should seriously consider this situation and disassociate food with emotions

Get all the support you can get
For long term weight loss results you need to get encouragement and support. The best way to get this support is from friends, family and from other people that are in the same situation. There will be times during the process that you will get bored and willing to quit, there will also be times that you won’t believe in yourself and you need someone to give you encouragement and motivation to continue. Do not underestimate the power and support you can get and do not be shy to share your weight loss dreams with your friends and family

Start slow, plan big
All the weight loss tips explained above are valid and essential for a fast weight loss. It is necessary though to start by gradually making changes both to your lifestyle, eating and exercise habits. Do not rush and do not make too drastic changes from one day to the next. Start slowly and stay focus on your goals. As you become more experienced make more changes until you reach a point that your lifestyle, diet and exercise routine are in accordance with your weight loss goals.

6Quick tips for weight loss success

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Weight loss success depends on a lot of factors. There are some easy weight loss tips to follow that will certainly help your weigh loss efforts and lead your weight loss to success. Without any hassle here are 6 quick weight loss tips

Weight loss tips #1: Be SMART

Create a SMART weight loss plan! SMART means: Specific, Measured, Appropriate, Realistic, and Time-bound as regards what you want to achieve. For example, if your weight loss goal is to improve your physical exercise, then note the type of exercise you plan to do, how many times each week you can realistically exercise, and for how long you will exercise each time. Start with short term, easy and realistic goals,and work your way up to bigger and more difficult to achieve goals.

Weight loss tips #2: Keep an eye on the portion size

Keep an eye on the food portion size! Did you know that most of the times we eat almost everything that is on our plate, no matter what the size of the plate is? When eating at home, try eating in smaller plates; this will help you eat smaller food portions. When dinning out you need to be extra careful about the size of the food portions you eat. Studies have showed that food portions today are often big enough for two or more people to share.

Weight loss tips #3: Reward yourself when you succeed your weight loss goals

Make yourself a reward you cannot refuse. Before starting your efforts to meet your next weight loss goal, make yourself a promise like this, “If I reach my weight loss goals this (day, week, month), I will reward myself with a gift (but not a food reward.). Think of something you really need, such as a day off, a nice relaxing massage, a good movie, or even something towards a larger reward. Be creative, set up offers for yourself at frequent periods and make sure you reward yourself when you reach your weight loss goals.

Weight loss tips #4: Exercise regularly

How much is enough exercise? You need to exercise for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity per day. You need to do that for the most days of the week to help burn up the extra calories. But in order to achieve this you need to give yourself credit for the physical activities that you are already doing. Common physical activities such as climbing stairs, walking and gardening all account as physical activity. Just make sure you devote enough time in them.

Weight loss tips #5: Keep a weight loss journal

Keep a weight loss journal. Keep a journal of what you eat and how much exercise you are doing each day. Then, towards the end of each week, take not of your current weight in the same journal. You and your weight loss assistance (professional) can make use of this information to create an appropriate eating and physical exercise plan so as to find the best way to reach your weight loss goals.

Weight loss tips #6: I am hungry?

I am still hungry? You need to continuously ask your self this question and you should know that it may take longer to answer it than you think. It takes around 20 minutes or more for the message that we are not longer hungry to get from our brain to our stomach. So take a break before eating  that next helping. Do you have troubles feeling full? Drink eight glasses or more of water or other non-caloric beverages on a daily basis. This will help you fill you up and keeps you refreshed. Also, another weight loss tip is to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits because they can help you feel fuller, especially when eaten raw.

12fast weight loss tips

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If you are wondering how you can lose weight fast then you need to take into account some tricks and tips to help you out. Most of the fast weight loss tips presented below are easy to follow and implement and for sure will present immediate results. It is not enough to lose weight fast, you need to be able to lose your weight in a healthy way.

Fast Weight Loss Tips – Treat food like a medicine

You should treat food like a medicine since eating the wrong type of foods can cause problems to your body and organism. Possible health problems may include heart diseases, stroke, diabetes and some forms of cancer. In addition eating the wrong food types will make you overweight which besides the visual problems it can also cause other problems like insomnia and problems with the bones and joints. So, if you want a fast and healthy way to lose weight that will give you a lot of health benefits in the long run you should be careful on what you eat and drink. You should not only think about the calories that food contains but also their nutritional value.

Fas Weight Loss Tips – Do not eat when in a rush, better sit down and enjoy your meal

You should always sit down while eating. This is because when you seat down to enjoy your meal, you will eat slower and you will enjoy every bite. Also, eating slower will help you lose weight fast because your brain will have enough time to get the signal from your stomach that you are ‘full’. This process usually takes 20 minutes and can save you from eating a lot of unnecessary calories. Also it is proven that when you eat while driving or walking around you will end up eating more calories than you actually need.

Fast Weight Loss Tips – Protein is very important and should be part of your daily diet

Protein is very important for your body, especially your muscles, and should be present in every meal. Protein is needed by your body to repair and growth muscle mass which is turn can help and accelerate the calories burning process.
Try to eat at least 1 gram of protein per pound of your body weight. For example if your current weight is 165 lbs then your should eat at least 165 grams of protein per day. When selecting foods rich in protein make sure that they are also low in fat. Such lean sources of protein are:
Chicken or Turkey breast, with the skin removed
Eggs (white)
Fish Fillets and Tuna
Low-fat cottage cheese

Fast Weight Loss Tips – Clean your house from food temptations

If you want to lose weight fast then you should keep your self away from food temptations. Food temptations have the ability to destroy your weight loss efforts. The only way to keep away from them is to remove them completely from your house. If you plan on starting a weight loss diet then start by cleaning your house with all temptations. Remove all chocolates, sweets, pastry, chips and biscuits and replace them with fresh fruits and vegetables.

Fast Weight loss Tips – Reward yourself when you meet your targets

When you set targets you need to reward yourself when you reach a goal. You should start by setting small goals at the beginning that are easy to meet and stick to them until you succeed. The goals should be short term usually lasting for one or two weeks. When you meet a goal make sure you have a reward for yourself for the great work and effort. The reward can be something small just to remind you that you have met your goals and give you more courage to continue.

Fast Weight Loss Tips – If you really need to cheat your diet then better do it wisely

There may be times during your weight loss diet where you will not be able to resist to a sweet temptation. This is normal and you should not be disappointed for doing so. A tip you can follow to save yourself from the extra calories is to be selective on how you will cheat on your diet. You can prepare in advance and buy some sweets or snacks that are low in fat with a reasonable amount of calories and have them at home so that when you need to cheat you use them instead of falling into the trap and eating full fat products with lots of calories.
Some suggestions you can use are:
Low fat free frozen yogurt (low sugar) instead of Ice cream
Frozen grapes instead of candy and chocolates
Low-fat cheese instead of regular cheese
Low sugar protein bar instead of chocolate bar

Fast Weight Loss Tips – Frozen grapes are one of the best replacements for sweets and candy

As mentioned above when you feel that you need to cheat on your diet then you better do it wisely. One such choice is frozen grapes. Frozen grapes can give you the sweetness you need and at the same time save a lot of calories. This is because of fructose, which is natural sugar, found in grapes and in many other frozen fruits.

Fast Weight loss tips – Always control the portion of your meal

Many times when you do not see the size of the portion you are eating, you may end up eating more than you need. A tip you can use is to always put your meal into a plate so that you can see the size of the portion. Especially when you order for a take away do not eat directly from the food container. This prohibits you from seeing exactly how much you are eating.

Fast Weight loss tips – Vegetables = Fast Weight loss

We cannot stress this enough. Your best friends during a weight loss process are fruits and vegetables. Vegetables can fill your stomach with valuable nutritional substances and at the same time save you from a lot of calories. You can have the vegetables any time of the day at any quantity without having to worry about destroying your weight loss efforts. If you not a good friend of vegetables you should at least try and have some as a side dish, accompanying your main meals.

Fast Weight Loss Tips – A fast weight loss process starts from the morning

Breakfast is very important when you are trying to lose weight. A good breakfast can safe you a lot of calories during your main meals. This is because you will not starve until it is launch time and then eat a lot of food. In addition, breakfast should be your largest meal of the day. While sleeping your body stays with out fuel for 6-10 hours and needs to re-fuel in the morning in order to cope with the activities of the day. Established research proved that obese people find it much more easier and quicker to lose weight when they eat a good breakfast.

Fast Weight Loss Tips – Use the fork-dip trick

A great weight saving tip is to use your fork to dip into the salad dressing when you order a salad in the restaurant. This tip helps you not eating more salad dressing than you really need. Salad dressing is what gives your healthy salad calories, and this is where most people fail with their weight loss. They tend to eat salads because they have less calories but they also eat the salad dressings which are full of calories. Using the fork-dip trick you save yourself from consuming a lot of extra calories. You just eat the calories needed to give your salad a great taste.

Fast Weight Loss Tips – The secret for weight loss success is to change your dietary habits

When you are on a weight loss diet you should not just think about what you should eat and what you should not. You should try and change your dietary habbits to select more healthy and low in calories foods and drinks. It is necessary to create a step-by-step plan to change your lifestyle and create permanent healthy habits. If you do this properly then you will not only see faster results but also you will be able to keep away the weight you will lose.
The fast weight loss tips presented above can help you accelerate your weight loss process in a healthy way. Try to follow the above tips and very soon you will see the results.

10Weight loss motivation tips

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We said many times that weight loss can be hard. There are many weight loss tips available to help you lose weight but despite this there are cases where you will get disappointed and quit. To achieve good results you need to have patience and power to overcome the problems that you will face in the process. This is the key for a successful weight loss. If you are motivated you will find the power to overcome the problems and continue. For this reason you need to be aware of these great weight loss motivation tips.
Weight loss motivation tips 1. Stop for a moment all your activities, sit down in a relaxing position, and think why you want to lose weight. Make a list of all the possible reasons you can think off and write them down in a diary. Once you have this list ready you need to make sure that you come back and read it once per week. This will help you be alert and reminded as to why you want to lose weight.
Weight loss motivation tips 2. Visualize your new self after a successful weight loss. When you want to achieve something one of the best ways to encourage your self is to visualize your success. This is also true for weight loss. Imagine yourself after losing weight. Think about how good you will feel in your new clothes and keep this picture in your mind.
Weight loss motivation tips 3. Depending on how much weight you want to lose it is better to break the task into smaller, easier to achieve milestones. If for example you want to lose 20 pounds, then you can break this task into 4 smaller tasks. Each goal will be for losing 5 pounds. This way will be easier to achieve and more manageable. It is much easier to target 5 pounds instead of 20.
Weight loss motivation tips 4. Reward yourself. When working in a big project one of the techniques that can keep you motivated is rewards. When it comes to losing weight you can set a reward for yourself once you achieve a milestone. As per the example above you can set from the beginning rewards when you reach each of the milestones. The reward does not have to be related with weight loss but it can be anything that will make you happy and satisfied.
Weight loss motivation tips 5. Keep track of your progress both in terms of weight you lose but also in how you look. Take photos of yourself at the beginning of your efforts and when you achieve a milestone. This improvement in appearance will be one of the greatest motivation tips that will keep you going. Be cautious though because sometimes the decrease in pounds is not reflected in your appearance. If you notice that there is not so much difference in appearance between the different photos then do not get disappointed. Continue your efforts and follow your weight loss plan and at the end the results will be visible.
Weight loss motivation tips 6. Get motivation from other people. There are many people that have managed to lose a lot of weight. These success stories are available in magazines, web sites, forums and TV programs. When you come across of such cases read them and if possible make a note of them in your dairy. Seeing other people succeed in this task will also help you and keep you motivated.
Weight loss motivation tips 7. Do not be shy about your efforts to lose weight. When you want to lose weight you should not be embarrassed but you should be proud of yourself for making this effort. When you are with friends talk about your weight loss goals with them and listen carefully on what they have to say. The advice and encouragement from friends and family can be of great help for you and will also help you stay committed to your goals.
Weight loss motivation tips 8. Music and TV. Music can make you feel better especially during the times that you are down or feeling depressed. Music can also help you lose weight in many ways. You can use music to accompany your exercises, which will accelerate your weight loss efforts and also if you like dancing then you can use music as a tool for losing more weight. Music can also keep your spirit and will power high.
Weight loss motivation tips 9. Approach weight loss as an opportunity to learn something new and push yourself to the limits. When trying to lose weight sometimes you need to push yourself hard to achieve your goals. You should take this opportunity and learn something from this that will make you stronger in character and will improve your self confidence.
Weight loss motivation tips 10. Finally you should realize that the main reason you want to lose weight is you. You are making this effort because you want to feel and look better. Any successes from this process are for your own good and no one else. You are doing something for yourself because your deserve it and because you can do it. Despite the problems that you may find in the way you should never give up. The problems should give you more power to continue until the end.

Weight loss tips before and after the holidays

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People who are trying to lose weight have a hard time before, during and after the holidays. This is because there are so many temptations during this period that are capable of destroying your weight loss efforts. If you are serious about losing weight then you can take some precaution measures before, during and after the holiday period. This article is about weight loss tips you can follow to ensure that the holidays will not have a negative effect on your efforts to lose weight.

Weight loss tips before the holidays

If you follow a proper weight loss plan then you should know how many calories you can consume daily in order to maintain your normal weight or even lose weight. This calculation will help you get prepared for the holidays better. What you need to do is to adjust your diet and exercise so as to burn a few more calories per day. For example one month before the holidays you can reduce your calorie intake by 200 calories per day and increase the intensity and frequency of exercise. This will help you create a gap so that you can relax during the holiday period. Provided that you will be a bit careful with your diet this gap will help you maintain your weight as it was one month before the holidays.

Weight loss tips during the holidays

Your weight loss goals during the holiday period should not be to lose weight but to try not to gain more weight. We mentioned many times that in order for weight loss to be effective you need to follow a weight loss program that you like and is easy to follow. If you try to push your self too much then for sure your will fail. The holiday period is definitely not the time to push too hard. It is the time to relax, fill up your batteries, re-set your goals and get ready to start the New Year with more power and willingness. Do not let weight loss spoil this period. Forget about losing weight and just try to be careful not to gain weight from eating and drinking. This is not very hard to do. It is also a good test to see for yourself if you managed to adapt to a healthier lifestyle. In other words now that you will set your self free to eat whatever you want, you will realize how good was your weight loss program. If you find yourself rushing to eat anything like a maniac then this is a sign that what you did so far for losing weight is wrong and you need to rethink about your weight loss plan. If on the other hand you notice that you are careful on what you eat and that before eating something you think about the consequences then this means that you are on the right track.
It is also good to remember that you can have a good time during the holidays by following a healthy lifestyle. Fun does not necessarily mean eating and drinking like crazy. There are plenty of healthy foods for your gatherings and meals that will give you joy and a good health.

Weight loss tips after the holidays

The first thing to do once the holidays are over is to access your situation. There is no need to panic or rush into deprivation diets. What you need to do is to get on the scale and see how much weight (if any), you gained during the holidays. Depending on the amount of pounds you got you will set out your plan. Your goal should be to get back to the same situation and weight levels you had before the holidays. The best way to achieve that is to get into your weight loss schedule as usual. Do not try any rapid weight loss techniques to lose the extra weight fast. This will not work. Instead try to follow your ‘normal’ plan for a couple of weeks and if you notice that the extra pounds did not go away then start a more aggressive plan for about 3-4 weeks. This will get you back on the right track.

25Weight loss tips that work

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Apart from physical exercise there is also another secure way to lose weight, and this is through a proper diet and healthy weight loss tips. In other words the weight loss we can achieve with proper nutrition. And the truth is that we do not need enormous sacrifices to lose some extra pounds. They say that everything passes through our brain. Let us therefore refer to some weight loss tips that work and correct these errors so as to change our dietary habits.

Weight loss tips that work

Usually when we are hungry we eat a salad first and then we end up in the main meal. The salad can be raw, freshly cut with a spoonful of olive oil while the main dish includes boiled vegetables and roast meat or fish

If you want something refreshing that reminds you of sweet, try low-fat yoghurt and fruit

Cereals should not be missing from your diet. Only make sure that they are not in the 
 category of cereals containing sugar, chocolate, or crystallized fruit. Combine your cereals with milk. Do not exceed though two big tablespoons a day

If you ‘re hungry at work you can have during work hours 2-3 rusks that can fight your hunger until lunchtime. A similar solution is also other total milling snacks

The cream cheese is a type of cheese that you can enjoy without any remorse. With toasted bread can “keep you” for several hours

If you do have cooked meal for lunch, then you can try a toast with low fat cheese and boiled turkey. The bread can be rye or total milling. You can accompany your lunch by a glass of milk or orange juice

Avoid drinking too many coffees because caffeine products encourage cellulite! Better to enjoy other things that give you energy as strictly controlled vitamins

Before eating your main meal and before eating your salads try to drink a glass of water. It is certainly something that reduces the quantity to eat

Many times the boiled pulses, in combination with green vegetables can make a substantially low-fat lunch. Try lentils, chickpeas and beans

. If you want something really sweet, you put your life cherries and red fruits in general.Avoid ice cream and choose sorbet

Before you eat anything, try to drink something (with no alcohol and no sugar). Maybe what you translate as “hunger” is a simple and painless «hunger

Use an accurate scale to record your progress. Always be weighed in the morning after the toilet and before you enjoy your breakfast. If you see that in the course of one week you did not lose any weight then reduce by one tablespoon each meal and continue in this way

Make sure you have in the fridge several variations of dietary edible species so that you are not oppressed by the limited repertoire of flavours…. Perhaps this is the key to a successful diet. Make sure you have many different fruits, many different low-fat milk, many salads, many sources of protein and in general a rich but carefully selected fridge

Eat slowly. If you delay, you may within 20 minutes to cut your appetite or satisfy your hunger

Eat when hungry. Just eat a little. Your do need to have fixed hours for snacks. Snacks help you avoid the huge irregularities between the 3 regular meals

Meat, fish and poultry are healthier when barbecued rather than fried. Through barbecue the extra fat is removed and more flavour is added

Prefer milk with 1% fat or, if you can, with no fat. The light milk provides the same nutrients in the body but with less saturated fat, cholesterol and less calories of course

Adopt the recipe of the chef: always garnish the food or your dessert to be the same «beautiful» in the plate and in the eye

If you belong to that category of people seeking refuge in food, every time they are stressed then it is time to change these habits

Train your stomach so that when you feel you are no longer hungry to let down the fork

Physical exercise: if you are not fanatical friend of the gym, try walking. Physical exercise is essential to maintain your weight, and activates the metabolism and reduces stress and anxiety

Eat regular meals: you should forget any meal during the day. The often dense and small meals activate metabolism, leading to «burn» more calories

 Low calorie food: If you are having a difficult time and your visits to the refrigerator are frequent, be sure to fill your fridge with weight loss foods ,low in fat

Dinner: Try not to eat too late at night to give your body the necessary time for the process of digestion

Dot not get discouraged. A weight loss process is hard, requires a lot of work and takes time. Be patient and consistent and the good results will not take long to come.
The above 25 actions are certainty weight loss tips that work for everyone wanting not only to lose weight but also be able to maintain current weight. They are easy to follow and all you need to do is to remind your self about these weight loss tips every time you want to eat something.