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Weight loss tips to lose the unnecessary pounds with a proper diet

Monday, August 8, 2011 , Posted by Msry 7or at 10:45 AM

It is the time when most people remember the extra weight gained during winter and want desperately to lose them if it was possible yesterday. Thus, they are ready to pursue anything promising quick weight loss without calculating the risks behind incorrect diets or other methods of weight loss. This article is about weight loss tips that can help you lose the extra weight with a proper diet.
A proper diet for weight loss should be balanced and based on food hygiene. Initially you must eat a variety of foods from all food groups to ensure balance in all nutrients. The main four food groups are:
a) Milk and milk products
b) Meat and meat substitutes
c) Fruits and vegetables
d) Cereals and starchy vegetables.
These groups are divided in proportion to the nutrients they contain. Eating from the four groups in similar daily ratios ensures a complete nutritious diet.
Each portion from the milk group is around 80-120 calories and is rich in calcium, phosphorus and protein. With osteoporosis, diets that do not give enough milk are dangerous. Allocate the 80 -120 calories for food rich in calcium. The fat free dairy products are an ideal source of calcium (a glass of skimmed milk provides about 1 / 3 of daily calcium intake).
Reduce the fat to a minimum, especially saturated fats and cholesterol. Increased fat consumption is considered a key cause of obesity, diabetes, coronary heart disease, hypertension, and some forms of cancer. The aim is to reduce consumption of fat at least below 30%.

Basic weight loss tips for reducing fat in your diet

a. Reduce consumption of meat, sausage and replacing them with poultry and fish.
b. Watch out for the yolky egg, and not more than 3 in a week.
c. Remove the visible fat from all foods.
d. Avoid butter.
e. Cook with monounsaturated oils (olive oil) or no oil.
f. Always check the labels of products for the fat
g. Reduce saturated fat for at least <10% and cholesterol to 300 mg / day.
h. Avoid the fast-food. The classic hamburger is 50% fat
i. prefer food cooked in the grill or boiled in steam and do not fry

Weight loss tips to maintain our ideal weight

Avoid ‘miracle’ weight loss diets
When you follow weight loss diets that suggest the intake of calories which is much less than the basic metabolism and even the systematic neglect of meals, is resulting in the increase of body fat and of course a number of other harmful effects on the body and your health like migraine headaches. Also, medicines for weight loss are very harmful and dangerous. These weight loss pills e.g. amphetamines, diuretics and others, are suggested by people who have no proper view of an effective and healthy weight loss diet. The diuretic pills give the impression that you are losing weight by dehydrating the body. The weight lost is mainly liquid and immediately you get back the weight you lost and more. Also, weight loss diets that are high in protein and carbohydrate are also harmful and dangerous because they can be a cause of heart failure.
The ideal weight should be achieved with proper nutrition in order for someone to maintain it. For each person the ideal weight differs according to gender, age, body frame size and percentage of body fat.
We need to eat foods with high fiber content. It is suggested to take 30 gr. / day for adults and for children is calculated based on the age + 5 grams. (eg 7 years + 5 = 12 grams. / day)
The fiber absorbs a lot of water, which gives the feeling of satiety resulting in eating less. They are difficult in chewing so you eat small amounts. They also assist in the smooth functioning of the gut and fight constipation. They help to reduce cholesterol and fat in the body. They slow absorption from the intestine (e.g. glucose) and thus help diabetics.
Some foods rich in fiber are whole-grain cereal for breakfast, wholemeal bread, the starchy vegetables and legumes, fresh vegetables, fruits (mainly in the skin but also inside).
Reduce sugar, salt and alcohol.
You should reduce the sugar in your diet. The sugar is contained in foods that are high in calories and does not offer any nutrients or vitamins or minerals. That is why the calories we take from sugar are called «empty calories». The sugar affects our health so we should replace it with foods that contain good nutrients.
Instead of soft drinks and juices that contain sugar prefer fresh juice. Avoid the sweets, biscuits and chocolates. Avoid cereals with a lot of sugar; use less sugar in the manufacture of sweets or fructose, which is three times sweeter than normal sugar so we only use 1 / 3. Prefer to use dill, cloves, fennel. These may replace to some extent the amount of sugar.
The salt should be used sparingly because over consumption can cause high pressure. Therefore, avoid salt on the table and do not add salt to food. Avoid eating out, especially fast food. Avoid sausages (salami, sausages, bacon, ham).
Avoid chips, especially the salt dried and canned fruit.
Finally, if you drink alcohol you must drink in moderation.
We must also remember the following weight loss tips:
Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily
Avoid soft drinks, coffees and juices that are not natural.
Consume at least 2-3 portions of low-fat milk.
Eat as many fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamins A, C and fiber.
Eat as many whole grain foods as possible.
Prefer natural foods, which have not undergone major processing.
Be good consumers and study the labels of foods and nutrients they contain.
Maintaining your ideal weight is not an easy thing to do. It needs a lot of courage and effort. This weight loss tips presented in this article can help you get in the right direction.

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